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How a Church Database Can Help Your Church Grow

First published on: 25th November 2017

For the purpose of church growth and discipleship increase, a church database can be an invaluable tool. Whilst some church database systems may simply be a method of recording data for historical or official reasons, iKnow’s church database is designed to facilitate effective pastoral care along with sustainable and fruitful growth.

With Christmas approaching, many churches will be gearing up for an influx of first time and seasonal visitors. This is a time where the church can share the gospel with those who spend the majority of the year closed to the idea of a living God. 

It is also a great time therefore, to collect contact details from people who show a curiosity into Christian faith and to use that information to lead them towards the relevant avenues in your church so as to make valuable connections on a deeper level. This is where a church database system can really help by making sure that people are followed up with in a timely manner, and, that they are being encouraged into the relevant next steps in their journey of faith.

Throughout iKnow’s church database system, you will find that simple day-to-day data is developed into valuable insights that can assist with the pastoral care of the church, as a body and also on an individual basis. iKnow helps you to better understand the journey that a person has taken in their walk of faith and whether there are any current or past issues in their life that may need the encouragement and prayers of the church, in order to help the individual grow and the church to come together. For first time visitors and guests, this information can be used to send out tailored communications that are relevant to the individuals stage of faith, rather than sending them generic information which they may not deem applicable or significant to their current stage in life.

At iKnow HQ, our team are passionate about seeing churches flourishing, with stability, and a church database allows for that. Once a system is put in place, there are numerous opportunities not only for strengthening existing members but also for creating new relationships.

Most database systems charge per number of contacts added, however, as the UK’s leading Christian software company, we understand the fundamental principle of welcoming as many visitors and guests into church doors as possible. For example, you may have an Alpha course running and wish to keep the details of these people on the system, for many Church of England churches, there will be many more people on the electoral role than those regular attending church each week. The notion therefore, of charging churches to add the details of these people into the iKnow Church database seemed most illogical, as churches will inherently need to add many more contacts to their system than their existing membership, which is why we allow you to add non-regular members free of charge.

If you would like to find out more about our pricing structure then click here to view our pricing plans, or give our office a call on 0121 651 1125, or email us at hello@iknowchurch.co.uk and a member of our team will gladly assist you.

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