These are the latest updates released to churches during November 2020.
Multi Church Updates
There have been further updates to the Multi Church functionality supporting you in your; processes, journey items and the branding of your communication.
Global Processes
You can now create one global process that will be accessible to all your individual churches. An example; if there’s a pastoral care follow-up process that you want all your churches to implement you can simnply set up the global process once giving access to all. This saves you time in your churches as they don’t have to duplicate the same information.
Global Journey Items
If you have a journey item that you want all of the churches to implement, you can now create one global journey item that will be accessible to all your individual locations, saving time for your individual churches.
We recognise that communication and staying in touch with your church and community is vital, so we've released a further update to help you personalise your emails. You now have the ability to create individual branding for each church.
You can choose if your communication piece needs the same branding for a centralised message or to have branding unique to the individual church and further encourage the engagement from your contacts.